Here are or 5 top tips for installing concrete screws
1. Anchors always require a drilled hole. Even though concrete screws have a thread, for safe installation they should always be screwed into a drilled hole.
2. Do not anchor into a bad hole. The drill hole should be created according to the specifications in the ETA. For example, it must be:concrete screw installation
perpendicular to the surface
the correct diameter and depth
avoiding any reinforcement
spaced correctly
3. Always clean the hole. This is the most common step to be skipped, but it is important to ensure the drill hole is cleaned of dust debris before inserting the screw anchor. If drill dust remains, you risk being unable to insert the anchor fully into the hole and subsequently causing it to break.
4. Use tools with an appropriate amount of torque and do not overtighten the screws. The ETA will give you specific torque values to guarantee the performance of the screw anchor. If you overtighten the screw or use a tool which is too powerful, you risk breaking the concrete screw.
5. Always take time to plan the installation. Take time to read the ETA installation instructions and brief your team to ensure the concrete bolts or anchors are installed safely and according to the guidelines.
How can SIMAMIX help
SIMAMIX offers a range of high performance ETA approved concrete screw anchors. Alongside our high quality anchors we provide onsite support such as anchor pull tests as well as technical advice to help you with your anchor selection.
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